Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment

​Many patients neglect to leave their teeth decayed without treatment. and filling the tooth properly causes dental disease to spread and destroy more and more teeth. up to the tooth's nerve cavity There is inflammation and an abscess or pus at the tip of the tooth root. There is pain and suffering. It is also a source of disease transmission. Chronically destroying the body's health Until the tooth had to be extracted, quite a bit. But when the need arises to fix it by keeping the tooth, I didn't want to pull it out of my mouth; it was almost too late.

However, it is still not beyond the abilities of expert dentists. to be able to help those patients. Only the treatment methods are quite difficult and complicated. It only requires more time and expenses. which every dentist I do not wish to put the patient in such a situation because root canal treatment is quite a difficult job. Especially for the treatment of molar teeth, which have 3–4 roots, so that the treatment can be as successful as desired. Therefore, it is necessary to waste time visiting the dentist many times for root canal treatment.

How to treat a root canal the main principles of root canal treatment are: If the patient's tooth has an infection in the nerve cavity, treatment is done by adding calcium hydroxide medicine. to disinfect Once it is certain that the inside of the root canal is free of germs, the tooth will be filled and crowned.

Root canal treatment steps There are important details, as follows:

  1. Grind the tooth to find the root canal, which is a small hole. Located next to the nerve cavity. To the tip of the tooth root
  2. Enlarge the root canal. To use a cleaning solution, pat dry and add disinfectant.
  3. Close the tooth pulp with a temporary filling material. For the medicine to take effect, it takes approximately 3 to 7 days.
  4. It cleans and expands root canals. Ready to change to a new disinfectant and cover the tooth nerve cavity with temporary filling material again. Do this 2–3 times until the pus dries. There are no germs or dirt left behind.
  5. When the pus is dry, there are no germs or dirt remaining. The dentist will then permanently seal the tooth's nerve cavity using a material such as rubber. Filled from the tip of the tooth root to the floor of the tooth nerve cavity. and covered with dental materials such as cement and amalgum, which are similar in color to silver or tin paper that covers cigarette packets and have good strength properties. Therefore, it is used to fill molar teeth that have to bear a lot of chewing force. For front teeth that need beauty and do not have to bear much chewing force It will be filled with a material that is the same color as your natural tooth.
  6. The dentist will leave a period of time to wait and see the symptoms, which depends on the condition of the teeth. and when it is certain that the root canal treatment was successful, the dentist will then cover the tooth with appropriate material.

Root canal treatment teeth can be preserved for further use. Better than wearing dentures Because a root-treated tooth is like any other tooth in the mouth, it has a bone socket to hold the tooth firmly. and feels better than wearing dentures.

Root canal treatment involves the removal of blood vessels. and the nerve that supplies the tooth is removed and replaced with some material. Root canal treatment is often performed. When a tooth decays or breaks through the nerve cavity, which cannot fill a tooth normally or on a tooth that has been damaged by an impact, this causes the blood vessels that supply the teeth to be broken or damaged. Symptoms that patients often come to see are toothaches and teeth becoming darker than before.

Root canal treatment requires continuous treatment and often takes more than one treatment session. Therefore, before deciding to have a dentist do root canal treatment, patients must ensure that they have time. enough to receive treatment. It usually takes approximately 2–4 treatments, depending on the condition of the teeth being treated.

In addition, root canal treatment It's just trying to keep the tooth in the mouth. for as long as possible instead of having to be extracted. Therefore, after receiving root canal treatment completely That tooth may last another year, 2 years, 5 years, or for the rest of your life. A tooth that has received root canal treatment is called a non-vital tooth, with noticeable changes occurring. That is, the tooth becomes more brittle, breaks more easily, and turns darker than before. Therefore, dentists recommend making a tooth abutment together with a crown (post and core) to make the tooth as strong. and beautiful as before.

​Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a method of dental treatment for the tissues in the tooth. tissue cavity in a tooth or root canal that causes inflammation Infection from the accumulation of bacteria that destroys the root of the tooth. Tissue in the tooth, dentin, blood vessels, or nerves within the tooth. Until it causes toothache, tooth decay, and pus, the root canal dentist will grind and remove the decayed tooth. and opens to remove surrounding inflamed and infected tooth tissue for cleaning. Tooth root repair, medicine, and root canal filling Including restoring teeth to be healthy, strong, beautiful, and able to function when chewing food normally.

What is dental pulp?

Dental pulp is the soft tissue within the innermost space at the center of the tooth and tooth root. This space is also called the pulp chamber and the root canal. The tissue in the tooth consists of tissue and blood vessels that nourish and carry waste away from the tooth area. Nerves that are responsible for feeling sensations and lymphatic vessels that help drain waste and support the body's immune system. When tooth decay reaches the tissue cavity in the tooth, Infections or toxins from bacteria enter the tissues in the tooth. Causes inflammation and infection. The inflammation may spread to the roots of the teeth. At the tip of the tooth root, there is an opening that connects to the jawbone. Causes inflammatory substances to spread into the tissue surrounding the tooth root. Causes of bone dissolution This causes pain, painful chewing, swelling, pus, bad breath, loose teeth, and other complications.

Root inflammation: what are the causes?

Root inflammation, or inflammation of the tissue inside the tooth, is caused by a bacterial infection that is caused by tooth decay, broken teeth, cracked teeth, and severe periodontal disease. or an accident that caused the tooth to receive a shock that resulted in infection and inflammation. Or the death of tissue in the tooth that, if left untreated for a long time, will cause more severe and widespread damage to the tooth and surrounding tissue. This makes treatment difficult and complicated. There is less chance of being cured. and may lead to problems with the gums and adjacent teeth.

​What causes pus at the tip of a tooth root?

Pus at the tip of the tooth root It is caused by the tissue in the tooth being inflamed or infected for a long time without treatment until it spreads from the tooth to the root. Released into the tissue surrounding the tip of the tooth root, causing tissue destruction and dissolution of the bone surrounding the tooth root. It forms a bag of pus that pushes against the gum tissue, causing the gums to swell, produce pus, and cause pain. In severe cases, there may be swollen gums, a swollen face, fatigue, and fever. On X-rays, a black shadow can be seen at the tip of the tooth root, indicating pus or inflammation of the tooth tissue. The dentist will first treat the pus in the root canal until the gums are healed and there are no symptoms, then the root canal will be filled. and continue to restore the gums and upper teeth.

Characteristics of teeth that require root canal treatment

  1. Tooth decay occurs deep into or close to the tissue in the tooth.
  2. Broken tooth Broken tooth
  3. Dead tooth: a tooth that has no blood vessels flowing into the tooth pulp.
  4. Teeth that need to have their alignment corrected in order to get a crown.
  5. A tooth with severe gingivitis or periodontal disease that causes the tooth to die
  6. Teeth are worn out from the habit of clenching and grinding. or chewing so harshly that the teeth are worn down to the tissue cavities in the teeth.
  7. Accidentally damaged teeth

What are the symptoms of root canal inflammation?

Root canal inflammation is caused by inflammation of the tissues in the tooth. The nerves inside the tooth are stimulated, causing pain. Inflammatory substances will gradually cause the tissue in the tooth to become inflamed, produce pus, and cause the death of the tooth tissue. Then it will gradually expand and spread until it causes the following symptoms:

  • Tooth sensitivity There will be tooth sensitivity at first when exposed to stimulating factors, such as when drinking hot or cold drinks. or when chewing food. The tooth's sensitivity will gradually increase and become more severe.
  • Toothache, which may start with a long-lasting toothache when exposed to stimulating factors, Toothaches may occur suddenly, come and go, or occur at night until the pain is continuous. Pain deep in the roots of the teeth the pain spreads to the jaw, face, and other teeth.
  • Swollen gums and a swollen face are due to inflammation and/or the accumulation of pus in the root canal.
  • There is swelling of the jaw and face. There may be fatigue and a fever.
  • Discolored teeth, darkened teeth, or darker teeth This is due to damage to the blood vessels within the tooth.

How is root canal treatment done?

​The dentist will perform root canal treatment by taking a history. Thoroughly examine the teeth and tissues around the teeth. Take x-rays of the mouth and teeth. To diagnose and find the cause of root inflammation. Give a prognosis and evaluate the success of treatment to explain and provide treatment options to those receiving treatment.

​The dentist will perform root canal treatment with the following steps:

  1. The dentist will apply local anesthesia (local anesthesia) to prevent any pain that may occur during the treatment. In some cases, the recipient is very afraid or anxious. The dentist may consider giving medication to help the patient feel relaxed, such as nitrous oxide, oral sedatives, or intravenous sedation.
  2. The dentist inserts a rubber dam to separate the tooth to be treated from the surrounding oral tissue.
  3. The dentist removes tooth decay or cracks, grinds them open to gain access to the tissue cavities in the tooth and the root canal, and eliminates inflamed and infected tooth tissue.
  4. The dentist measures the root length of the tooth using a root length measuring device.
  5. The dentist cleans the root canal walls and shapes the root canal. together with cleaning the root canal with an antiseptic solution.
  6. Dentist inserts medicine into root canal and temporary filling
  7. When the recipient has no symptoms of root canal inflammation and can chew normally. The dentist will fill the root canal and then send the patient for the procedure to restore the upper part of the tooth. This completes the root canal treatment process.
  8. In the case of severe inflammation and infection the dentist will treat the tooth with medicine or additional cleaning until the root canal is healed. Then the root canal will be filled.
  9. In cases where the inflammation has not spread to the tissue surrounding the tip of the tooth root, the dentist may be able to complete the root canal treatment in one session.

​Care after root canal treatment

After root canal treatment is completed, the dentist will give advice on what to do to prevent the treated area from being damaged in order to help the recipient have good long-term dental health. Care after root canal treatment includes the following steps:

  • Your dentist will give you painkillers to reduce pain and swelling. or excruciating pain around the treated tooth for 2-3 days after receiving treatment.
  • Avoid using the treated tooth for 1 day to prevent the temporary filling from breaking.
  • Keep your mouth and teeth clean by brushing and flossing as usual.
  • If the filling material comes off, return to see the dentist as soon as possible. To prevent bacteria from leaking into the root canal
  • You should come see the dentist as per your appointment every time to ensure continuity of treatment and follow up on symptoms.
  • When the root canal treatment is complete, you should hurry to restore the tooth, such as with a crown. You should not leave it for a long time.