Wisdom tooth surgery - implanted tooth surgery

Wisdom teeth

It is a tooth that cannot erupt normally. May only partially emerge. Or it can be embedded in the entire jawbone. Wisdom teeth can cause many different oral health problems, such as gingivitis, tooth decay, and destruction of the bone around the tooth root or the roots of adjacent teeth. To prevent wisdom teeth from causing these problems, the dentist therefore recommended that they be removed. Or have your wisdom teeth removed.

Causes of wisdom teeth

Humans use this set of teeth. in chewing very tough and hard foods such as nuts, roots, leaves, and grains as humans develop more Our food is prepared to be easy to eat. The size of the jaw bone becomes smaller and smaller. This causes wisdom teeth, which are the largest last molars, to not have enough space to erupt normally. Until it is the reason why we have to have wisdom teeth removed or wisdom teeth removed these days.

Characteristics and pattern of wisdom tooth eruption

There are many types of wisdom teeth. It depends on the characteristics and angle of the wisdom teeth and adjacent teeth, which can be divided into four formats as follows:

  • Mesial impaction – The wisdom teeth appear at an angle. and push the adjacent molars from the front. It is also known as angular or mesioangular impaction. This type of impacted wisdom tooth is the most common. and often does not fully come up.
  • Distal impaction – This is a rare form of impacted wisdom teeth. and arranged in the direction opposite to the mesial; that is, the wisdom teeth are tilted towards the back where there are no teeth. This puts the wisdom teeth in a position and angle that is not very tilted. There will be a chance for it to emerge without causing inflammation. If you have wisdom teeth like this, you may not need to have your wisdom teeth removed. or, in some cases, the doctor may wait to follow up for 1-2 years before deciding whether surgery is necessary or not.
  • Vertical impaction – This type of impacted tooth is straight at a normal angle, not tilted to push on neighboring teeth. They are considered to be the type of wisdom teeth that have a good prognosis. There is a high chance that they will be able to come up normally without having to have wisdom teeth removed. or wisdom tooth extraction.
  • Horizontal impaction – Wisdom teeth are aligned in a horizontal position. They are considered to be the most difficult wisdom teeth to remove. Take as much time as possible to heal and recover. Therefore, you should receive treatment from a dentist who specializes in surgery.

What are the symptoms of wisdom teeth that require wisdom tooth surgery?

Most wisdom teeth appear in late adolescence and early adulthood (ages 17 - 25). Patients may not have any symptoms at all. Or some people may have the following symptoms:

  • Pain, stiffness, inflammation, and possibly bleeding around the gums. Due to periodontal disease
  • Swollen gums, sometimes extending to the cheeks or jaw, are a result of inflammation or infection.
  • Pain in the jaw area
  • Tooth decay due to brushing teeth and using dental floss is more difficult than usual.
  • The taste and breath smell abnormal. Because food scraps get stuck in areas that are difficult to clean.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth or pain when opening your mouth in the case of swelling and inflammation spreading outside the mouth


If you have any of these symptoms, you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed quickly to prevent further development of the dental problem.

What will happen if we don't get our wisdom teeth removed?

Possible risks If wisdom teeth are not removed or wisdom teeth are extracted,

  • The gums covering the wisdom teeth are inflamed. Because partially erupted wisdom teeth can easily get food particles stuck in them, but it is difficult to clean, resulting in bacteria accumulating. It causes gum inflammation, pain, swelling, and pus. If left untreated, the inflammation will spread under the chin or under the tongue. Affects breathing Can cause death.
  • Tooth decay occurs when the wisdom teeth and second molars are placed together in this abnormal way. It makes it difficult to clean because food particles get stuck, causing tooth decay in both teeth.
  • Bones melt from the pressure of the teeth trying to come up. Make the surrounding bones the roots of adjacent teeth were destroyed.
  • Resulting in a cyst. Wisdom teeth are one of the causes of a cyst. and can also expand in size to the point of destroying neighboring teeth and surrounding bones.
  • Bad breath: Inflamed gums, tooth decay, and food residue can all cause bad breath. Wisdom teeth are one of the main reasons why you have bad breath. which makes you lose your personality.

Steps to remove wisdom teeth

  1. Blood pressure measurement - If you have a medical condition or are old, your doctor will ask you to measure your blood pressure before undergoing wisdom tooth surgery. or wisdom tooth extraction. Very high blood pressure can result in abnormally heavy bleeding. and can be dangerous. If found, the doctor may postpone your wisdom tooth surgery appointment. Until you can control your blood pressure better.
  2. Anesthetic injection - before wisdom tooth extraction or wisdom tooth extraction the doctor will give you an anesthetic injection. And check that the anesthetic has worked well before starting the next step. You'll only feel a little tight after this. Don't worry.
  3. Open a gap in the gums to access wisdom teeth that have not yet emerged. or not fully emerging. The doctor will cut an opening in the gums to access the wisdom teeth that need to be removed.
  4. Removing wisdom teeth - The doctor may need to grind out a small amount of bone. And cut the wisdom teeth into smaller pieces to make them easier to remove. At this stage, you will feel a slight tightness. While the doctor is rocking to create more space for the wisdom teeth to be extracted.
  5. The wound is washed and closed with sutures - after all, wisdom teeth have been removed. The doctor will clean up the wound. and use sutures to close the wound. Also, check that there is no more bleeding before giving you further advice. Along with giving you medicine to take back. You will have another surgery appointment in 7–10 days.

After wisdom teeth surgery, what should you eat and not eat?

What can you eat after wisdom teeth surgery?

It is important that after having your wisdom teeth removed, you eat a light diet. that doesn't need to be chewed. Here are the foods we recommend:

  • Soup, porridge, porridge - these are good choices because they are easy to swallow. and provides nutrients, including adequate protein, and is beneficial to wound recovery.
  • Smoothies - Smoothies can be made with your favorite fruits and vegetables. which is a source of important vitamins that you should receive.
  • Yogurt - Yogurt is rich in protein and calcium. It will also help relieve the pain a little.
  • Scrambled eggs, poached eggs - Eggs are easy to cook. and exists in almost every household. It is another useful protein that you should get.

What should you not eat after wisdom teeth surgery?

After wisdom tooth surgery, you should avoid the following foods:


  • Hard or crispy food - For example, popcorn, potato chips, various nuts, and hard candies—these food particles can easily get stuck in the wisdom tooth surgery wound. and causes irritation, repeated bleeding, and interferes with the wound healing process.
  • Very sticky food - Caramel, toffee, chewing gum, and sticky foods can suck out blood clots from the wisdom teeth surgery wound. These blood clots are very important for blood clotting. If it comes off, it may cause new bleeding.
  • Spicy food - such as very spicy or sour food. This is because it irritates the wisdom tooth surgery wound.
  • Alcohol - because it interferes with the healing process of the wisdom tooth surgery wound. May cause complications and inflammation of the tooth socket (dry socket).


  • If the bleeding stops, you can brush your other teeth, but avoid disturbing the wisdom tooth incision site. Please rinse with water gently. Do not use mouthwash during this week.
  • On the second day, you can gently rinse your mouth. Warm salt water 4-6 times a day (mix or put 1 glass of water in the microwave until warm, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and stir well). Do this for about 4-5 days.
  • If the doctor prescribes mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, you can use it instead of warm saline.